Enroll Now

Enroll Now ☆

Limited Time Only

8-month Intuitive Reiki Training
For 8 months
One time

Join me to learn and receive your own certificate in levels 1/2 Holy Fire® III Levels 1/2 (great refresher or intro for Holy Fire® Reiki Master) where you will practice and apply intuitive development techniques to help protect you while being a healer, but also bring you closer to your own unique medicine while working with Reiki Consciousness. By the end of this IN DEPTH 8-month weekly training, you'll grow into a confident Reiki Master and have the skills to grow your own practice. ✨

✓ IN DEPTH 8-month weekly zoom training
✓ Usui & Holy Fire® III Levels 1/2 Certificate
✓ Level 1 Intuitive Development Certificate
✓ Usui & Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Teacher Certificate
✓ 3x 1:1 sessions with Erin

Receive the following

  • Usui & Holy Fire® III Levels 1/2 - 12 weeks

  • Subtle Energy Foundations - 8 weeks

  • Usui & Holy Fire® III Reiki Master - 13+ weeks

What will you Experience?

Each week we will meet online via zoom, and practice the skills learned from that class.

1) First 6 weeks are focus on Levels 1/2 Usui and Holy Fire® III Reiki, learning how to run your energy, read your energy, and shift your own energy while learning how to work with Reiki Consciousness.

2) Next 12 weeks are focused on opening up your Psychic abilities and learning how use the abilities you have been developing while working on others. Learning how to SEE the energy while practicing in a safe environment to learn, shift and grow within.

3) The last 15 weeks are focused on developing Reiki Master techniques and abilities. Now this part of the training will have already completed 4.5+months of weekly healings and sessions. You’ll be in a deep mentorship of learning how to grow and tend to yourself as you deepen your own experience with Energy Work. This is a deep mentorship portion of the training where you will be supported as you learn how to hold space for others.

**This is not like other trainings, you will be supported and mentored while expanding your abilities and learning how to tend to your self while working with others in sessions while growing your own business.

What you’ll learn

Meet your instructor

Erin Alica

I am an Holy Fire® III Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher and Psychic Medium. I have been practicing energy healing for 6+ years now. I have worked with those online, in-person, large groups and also retreat settings. I have grown my online space to over 13K followers, and have helped hundreds of souls seeking peace during times of confusion.

I am on a mission to share and guide others how to work deeply, and intuitively with these sacred energies allowing it to awaken our inner knowing. I inspire to create an environment that helps you tune into your body, your emotions, and your spirit - to address the areas of energy you are needing to focus on right now. To witness. To grieve. To Share. To heal. And too reunite with. I am not the one healing you, but guiding you into a safe energetic space for you to release the energy yourself - consciously or subconsciously, and on your own free will.

I am in such gratitude to be here with you as you step further into your healing journey. I will give you all the tools I have in my own toolbox to help you achieve the greatness of this current journey you are on in the present moment. See you soon ♡

In Depth Visual Worksheets 

Not only will you receive Reiki Manuals directly from the International Reiki Organization, but you will also receive ALL my detailed visual notes that I have been converting into digital access for a while now.

You now not only can print out these pdf files, but you can also take digital notes by downloading the pdf files and uploading them to any note taking software. Where you can continue to add to them with endless paperless paper (yay for the environment!)

There are some absolute game changers with digital note taking like being able to utilize

  • the hyperlinks I embedded into them (or even adding your own links directly into your notes)

  • add pictures, videos, and audios as well 🤯

    • you can even screen record and listen to the lecture and watch you take notes in real time

  • have hand written notes, but also type, or mixture of both

  • literally endless possibilites to keep ALL the different types of notes in one place.

This is a GREAT resources for years to come as you can continue to add or create more endless notes for your spiritual journey and have it all in one place, endless storage with endless creative abilities.

…. this is not sponsored… but I love it so much maybe I should ask to be sponsored lol


Enroll Now

Enroll Now ☆

Limited Time Only

8-month Intuitive Reiki Training
For 8 months
One time

Join me to learn and receive your own certificate in levels 1/2 Holy Fire® III Levels 1/2 (great refresher or intro for Holy Fire® Reiki Master) where you will practice and apply intuitive development techniques to help protect you while being a healer, but also bring you closer to your own unique medicine while working with Reiki Consciousness. By the end of this IN DEPTH 8-month weekly training, you'll grow into a confident Reiki Master and have the skills to grow your own practice. ✨

✓ IN DEPTH 8-month weekly zoom training
✓ Usui & Holy Fire® III Levels 1/2 Certificate
✓ Level 1 Intuitive Development Certificate
✓ Usui & Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Teacher Certificate
✓ 3x 1:1 sessions with Erin

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